Philadelphia Society of Botanical Illustrators (PSBI)
2024 Philadelphia Flower Show
March 1-10, 2024
PHS theme: “United by Flowers”
Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Ø PSBI Theme/ Exhibit Title: “Botanical Gifts”
PHS theme: “United by Flowers”
Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Ø PSBI Theme/ Exhibit Title: “Botanical Gifts”
Botanical gifts are a delightful treat for those who appreciate the beauty and marvels of nature. Botanical gifts can be in the form of elegant bouquets of fresh flowers to potted plants that bring life to any space, these gifts add a touch of natural serenity to our lives. Whether it’s a lush green fern, a vibrant orchid, seeds shared between friends, or a fragrant lavender bunch, botanical gifts have an incredible way of brightening up our surroundings and uplifting our spirits. What botanical gifts do you share with friends?
Eligibility Requirements:
Subject Requirements:
Entry requirements:
Framing Requirements:
Drop-Off and Packaging:
Jury Process:
Sale of Works:
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact:
Allison Finch, PSBI Flower Show Producer, phone: 302-463-3439; [email protected]
- Open to all PSBI members in good standing (dues fully paid for the current fiscal year) as of January 1, 2024 Entries by members with unpaid dues will not be accepted.
Subject Requirements:
- The plant should be depicted in its natural state and botanically accurate.
- Single color flat backgrounds only. Natural variations in vellum acceptable.
- No man-made objects or constructions in composition.
- Photographs used as reference must be taken by the artist.
- Previously exhibited work will be accepted as long as it has not been in any previous PHS Flower Show.
- Work must be two-dimensional, executed in any media with the exceptions of original digital, photography and collage.
Entry requirements:
- $35 entry fee cover 1 or 2 paintings per artist (limit 2 paintings per artist).
- Entry payment in the form of a check must be received by the Treasurer by close of entries.
- Please send payment to Tom Lessik 3720 Knole Lane, Chadds Ford 19317
- Artists must submit their entry information and artwork image electronically. This can be done through the submissions page in the Members’ section of the PSBI website or directly through Artists are responsible for establishing their own, secure, EntryThingy account. There is no charge for creating an account.
- In addition to contact and painting information including common name, Latin name (Genus species ‘Cultivar’), and final framed size (H x W), artists must upload an electronic image of their unframed piece.
- Images files must be in a JPG format and named Artistlastname.FirstInitial_Genus_species.jpg. Following ASBA recommendations, the longest dimension of the digital image should be 8” at 300dpi.
- Entry submission will close at 11:59 PM on January 26, 2024.
Framing Requirements:
- Paintings must be framed in a simple light-weight plain wood, gold or silver toned frame. “L” shape preferred. No colored frames or complex molding will be accepted.
- No metal frames.
- Frame molding width not to exceed 2“and should be appropriate for the dimensions of the piece.
- Minimum frame size 12”x12”.
- A hanging wire with D-ring or other flat wired hangers (no screw eyes) must be attached to the frame. Wire under hanging tension must allow 2” from the top of the frame to cover the hanger hook.
- Bottom corners MUST have frame bumpers attached.
- White or off-white main mats, thin liner mats of any color acceptable.
- PSBI retains the right to refuse an entry at drop-off if framing is inadequate or does not follow guidelines.
Drop-Off and Packaging:
- Accepted artwork to be delivered / collected no later than February 23, 2024.
- Follow up information will provide locations and times for artwork collection.
- 2024 Artists Entry Form must be completed and delivered along with artwork (visit the 2024 Flower Show Member Page on the PSBI website. This form is fillable on your computer before printing out, or you may print out the form and fill it in by hand).
- Artwork must be wrapped securely in adequately protective envelopes.
- To purchase gallery pouches, visit Frame Destination ( or ArtPak (
- All packaging must collapse flat.
- All packaging must have the appropriate labels (See 2021 Flower Show Entry Form)
Jury Process:
- Jury evaluation and scoring is scheduled January 29 – February 2, 2024.
- Jurors:
- Artistic Juror: TBD
- Botanical Juror: TBD
- PHS Juror: Seth Pearsol – PHS, Director of Design, Shows and Events
- There are three criteria for scoring: Botanical Accuracy, Technical Execution, and Artistic Merit.
- Acceptances and regrets tentatively scheduled to be sent via email February 5, 2024.
- PSBI carries insurance to cover a major loss of artwork including but not limited to: theft, destruction of the artwork by fire or vandalism; destruction of the artwork due to major accidents such as dropping or water leaks from roof or plumbing.
- Normal wear and tear to frames, glazing and matting such as soiling, scratching or chipping are not considered major losses.
- All entry forms must include an insurance valuation. Any entry received without a valuation will be listed as NFS with a value of $100.
- All claims must be submitted to the PSBI Show Producer within five days of the end of the show in order to be considered.
Sale of Works:
- Artwork does not need to be for sale.
- Sales of art will be arranged directly with artists who agree to a 10% donation to benefit the PHS Charity of Choice. Procedures for handling this will be provided.
- The PSBI Flower Show committee will select the Charity of Choice.
- No paintings may be removed until the show is over.
- Artists will be notified of pick-up arrangements.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact:
Allison Finch, PSBI Flower Show Producer, phone: 302-463-3439; [email protected]